//! MLS errors
// We allow missing documentation in the error module because the types are generally self-descriptive.
pub(crate) type Result<T, E = Error> = core::result::Result<T, E>;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Supplied user id was not valid")]
#[error("X509 certificate bundle set was empty")]
#[error("Tried to insert an already existing CredentialBundle")]
#[error("A MLS operation was requested but MLS hasn't been initialized on this instance")]
#[error("A Credential of type {0:?} was not found locally which is very likely an implementation error")]
#[error("supplied signature scheme was not valid")]
#[error("Keypackage list was empty")]
/// The keystore has no knowledge of such client; this shouldn't happen as Client::init is failsafe (find-else-create)
#[error("The provided client signature has not been found in the keystore")]
/// Client was unexpectedly ready.
/// This indicates an invalid calling pattern.
#[error("Client was unexpectedly ready")]
#[error("The keystore already contains a stored identity. Cannot create a new one!")]
r#"The externally-generated client ID initialization cannot continue - there's no provisional keypair in-store!
Have you called `CoreCrypto::generate_raw_keypair` ?"#
/// This error occurs when during the MLS external client generation, we end up with more than one client identity in store.
/// This is usually not possible, unless there's some kind of concurrency issue
/// on the consumer (creating an ext-gen client AND a normal one at the same time for instance)
"Somehow CoreCrypto holds more than one MLS identity. Something might've gone very wrong with this client!"
#[error("The supplied credential does not match the id or signature schemes provided")]
#[error("Serializing {item} for TLS")]
TlsSerialize {
item: &'static str,
source: tls_codec::Error,
#[error("Deserializing {item} for TLS")]
TlsDeserialize {
item: &'static str,
source: tls_codec::Error,
Mls(#[from] crate::MlsError),
Keystore(#[from] crate::KeystoreError),
Leaf(#[from] crate::LeafError),
Recursive(#[from] crate::RecursiveError),
impl Error {
pub fn tls_serialize(item: &'static str) -> impl FnOnce(tls_codec::Error) -> Self {
move |source| Self::TlsSerialize { item, source }
pub fn tls_deserialize(item: &'static str) -> impl FnOnce(tls_codec::Error) -> Self {
move |source| Self::TlsDeserialize { item, source }