//! Due the current delivery semantics on backend side (at least once) we have to deal with this
//! in CoreCrypto so as not to return a decryption error to the client. Remove this when this is used
//! with a DS guaranteeing exactly once delivery semantics since the following degrades the performances
use super::{Error, Result};
use crate::{MlsError, prelude::MlsConversation};
use mls_crypto_provider::MlsCryptoProvider;
use openmls::prelude::{ContentType, FramedContentBodyIn, Proposal, PublicMessageIn, Sender};
impl MlsConversation {
pub(crate) fn is_duplicate_message(&self, backend: &MlsCryptoProvider, msg: &PublicMessageIn) -> Result<bool> {
let (sender, content_type) = (msg.sender(), msg.body().content_type());
match (content_type, sender) {
(ContentType::Commit, Sender::Member(_) | Sender::NewMemberCommit) => {
// we use the confirmation tag to detect duplicate since it is issued from the GroupContext
// which is supposed to be unique per epoch
if let Some(msg_ct) = msg.confirmation_tag() {
let group_ct = self
.map_err(MlsError::wrap("computing confirmation tag"))?;
Ok(msg_ct == &group_ct)
} else {
// a commit MUST have a ConfirmationTag
Err(Error::MlsGroupInvalidState("a commit must have a ConfirmationTag"))
(ContentType::Proposal, Sender::Member(_) | Sender::NewMemberProposal) => {
match msg.body() {
FramedContentBodyIn::Proposal(proposal) => {
let proposal = Proposal::from(proposal.clone()); // TODO: eventually remove this clone 😮💨. Tracking issue: WPB-9622
let already_exists = self.group.pending_proposals().any(|pp| pp.proposal() == &proposal);
_ => Err(Error::MlsGroupInvalidState(
"message body was not a proposal despite ContentType::Proposal",
(_, _) => Ok(false),
mod tests {
use super::super::error::Error;
use crate::test_utils::*;
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
async fn decrypting_duplicate_member_commit_should_fail(case: TestCase) {
// cannot work in pure ciphertext since we'd have to decrypt the message first
if !case.is_pure_ciphertext() {
run_test_with_client_ids(case.clone(), ["alice", "bob"], move |[alice_central, bob_central]| {
Box::pin(async move {
let id = conversation_id();
.new_conversation(&id, case.credential_type, case.cfg.clone())
alice_central.invite_all(&case, &id, [&bob_central]).await.unwrap();
// an commit to verify that we can still detect wrong epoch correctly
let unknown_commit = alice_central.create_unmerged_commit(&id).await.commit;
let commit = alice_central.mls_transport.latest_commit().await;
// decrypt once ... ok
.decrypt_message(&id, &commit.to_bytes().unwrap())
// decrypt twice ... not ok
let decrypt_duplicate = bob_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &commit.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decrypt_duplicate.unwrap_err(), Error::DuplicateMessage));
// Decrypting unknown commit.
// It fails with this error since it's not the commit who has created this epoch
let decrypt_lost_commit = bob_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &unknown_commit.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decrypt_lost_commit.unwrap_err(), Error::StaleCommit));
async fn decrypting_duplicate_external_commit_should_fail(case: TestCase) {
run_test_with_client_ids(case.clone(), ["alice", "bob"], move |[alice_central, bob_central]| {
Box::pin(async move {
let id = conversation_id();
.new_conversation(&id, case.credential_type, case.cfg.clone())
let gi = alice_central.get_group_info(&id).await;
// an external commit to verify that we can still detect wrong epoch correctly
let unknown_ext_commit = bob_central
.create_unmerged_external_commit(gi.clone(), case.custom_cfg(), case.credential_type)
.join_by_external_commit(gi, case.custom_cfg(), case.credential_type)
let ext_commit = bob_central.mls_transport.latest_commit().await;
// decrypt once ... ok
.decrypt_message(&id, &ext_commit.to_bytes().unwrap())
// decrypt twice ... not ok
let decryption = alice_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &ext_commit.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::DuplicateMessage));
// Decrypting unknown external commit.
// It fails with this error since it's not the external commit who has created this epoch
let decryption = alice_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &unknown_ext_commit.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::StaleCommit));
async fn decrypting_duplicate_proposal_should_fail(case: TestCase) {
run_test_with_client_ids(case.clone(), ["alice", "bob"], move |[alice_central, bob_central]| {
Box::pin(async move {
let id = conversation_id();
.new_conversation(&id, case.credential_type, case.cfg.clone())
alice_central.invite_all(&case, &id, [&bob_central]).await.unwrap();
let proposal = alice_central.context.new_update_proposal(&id).await.unwrap().proposal;
// decrypt once ... ok
.decrypt_message(&id, &proposal.to_bytes().unwrap())
// decrypt twice ... not ok
let decryption = bob_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &proposal.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::DuplicateMessage));
// advance Bob's epoch to trigger failure
// Epoch has advanced so we cannot detect duplicates anymore
let decryption = bob_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &proposal.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::StaleProposal));
async fn decrypting_duplicate_external_proposal_should_fail(case: TestCase) {
run_test_with_client_ids(case.clone(), ["alice", "bob"], move |[alice_central, bob_central]| {
Box::pin(async move {
let id = conversation_id();
.new_conversation(&id, case.credential_type, case.cfg.clone())
let epoch = alice_central.context.conversation_epoch(&id).await.unwrap();
let ext_proposal = bob_central
.new_external_add_proposal(id.clone(), epoch.into(), case.ciphersuite(), case.credential_type)
// decrypt once ... ok
.decrypt_message(&id, &ext_proposal.to_bytes().unwrap())
// decrypt twice ... not ok
let decryption = alice_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &ext_proposal.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::DuplicateMessage));
// advance alice's epoch
// Epoch has advanced so we cannot detect duplicates anymore
let decryption = alice_central
.decrypt_message(&id, &ext_proposal.to_bytes().unwrap())
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::StaleProposal));
// Ensures decrypting an application message is durable (we increment the messages generation & persist the group)
async fn decrypting_duplicate_application_message_should_fail(case: TestCase) {
run_test_with_client_ids(case.clone(), ["alice", "bob"], move |[alice_central, bob_central]| {
Box::pin(async move {
let id = conversation_id();
.new_conversation(&id, case.credential_type, case.cfg.clone())
alice_central.invite_all(&case, &id, [&bob_central]).await.unwrap();
let msg = b"Hello bob";
let encrypted = alice_central
// decrypt once .. ok
bob_central.context.decrypt_message(&id, &encrypted).await.unwrap();
// decrypt twice .. not ok
let decryption = bob_central.context.decrypt_message(&id, &encrypted).await;
assert!(matches!(decryption.unwrap_err(), Error::DuplicateMessage));