Crate core_crypto

Expand description

Core Crypto is a wrapper on top of OpenMLS aimed to provide an ergonomic API for usage in web through Web Assembly and in mobile devices through FFI.

The goal is provide a easier and less verbose API to create, manage and interact with MLS groups.

§Wire CoreCrypto

Wire logo

This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at or by contacting

You can find the published source code at

For licensing information, see the attached LICENSE file and the list of third-party licenses at

No license is granted to the Wire trademark and its associated logos, all of which will continue to be owned exclusively by Wire Swiss GmbH. Any use of the Wire trademark and/or its associated logos is expressly prohibited without the express prior written consent of Wire Swiss GmbH.


  • CoreCrypto: Abstracts MLS & Proteus in a unified API
  • CoreCryptoFFI: FFI bindings for iOS, Android and WASM
  • Keystore: Encrypted Keystore powered by SQLCipher on all platforms except WASM. WASM uses an IndexedDB-backed, encrypted store with AES256-GCM
  • MlsProvider: RustCrypto + Keystore MLS provider



§API Docs


§General Requirements

If you’re using macOS, you’ll also need to install GNU sed:

brew install gnu-sed

and add an alias to your shell configuration file: alias sed=gsed (e.g. to ~/.zshenv if you’re using zsh).

§Development Requirements



Install Android SDK and Build-Tools for API level 30+

[!important] If you are building on macOS you’ll need to setup $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT path variable manually:

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Android/Sdk

Install android rust targets:

rustup target add x86_64-linux-android aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi


cd crypto-ffi
cargo make android
cd bindings
./gradlew android:build


Install Xcode & its command-line tools:

Install iOS rust targets:

rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios aarch64-apple-ios-sim


cd crypto-ffi
cargo make ios
cargo make ios-create-xcframework


Install macOS rust targets:

rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin aarch64-apple-darwin


[!note] If cross-compiling from macOS, you’ll need to install

Install Linux targets:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


Make sure you have all prerequisites:

  • Install wasm-pack
  • Install the wasm32-unknown-unknown toolchain: rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  • Install node.js (recommended way is via Volta)
  • Install Bun (follow the instructions on Bun’s website)


cd crypto-ffi
cargo make wasm
cd bindings/js
bun run build


Build bindings for Android, JVM, iOS and WASM

cd crypto-ffi

cargo make jvm

cargo make android

cargo make ios-create-xcframework

cargo make wasm


§General testing

cargo install cargo-nextest
cargo nextest run

§Run core crypto internal tests on WASM target

If you haven’t already, install the target and wasm-pack:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install wasm-pack

If you want to test for chrome, get chromedriver or the webdriver for the browser you want to test for, respectively.

Then, to run tests for a crate in the workspace do

wasm-pack test --headless --chrome ./<crate-folder-to-test>
§Addendum: testing all ciphersuites

[!warning] This takes quite a while.

cargo nextest run --features test-all-cipher

§Platform-specific tests for Kotlin/JVM

Build the JVM target every timee the Rust code changes:

# substitute with `jvm-darwin` on OSX
core-crypto/crypto-ffi$ cargo make jvm-linux

Then run the tests each time the wrapper or wrapper tests change

core-crypto/crypto-ffi/bindings$ ./gradlew jvm:build -x lint -x lintRelease

§Platform-specific tests for Android

Build the Android target every timee the Rust code changes:

core-crypto/crypto-ffi$ cargo make android

Then run the tests each time the wrapper or wrapper tests change

core-crypto/crypto-ffi/bindings$ ./gradlew android:build -x lint -x lintRelease


No E2E testing is available as of now on Swift.

§Platform-specific tests for WASM/Web

Install TS dependencies on first go, and each time they change:

core-crypto/crypto-ffi/bindings/js$ bun install

Build the WASM target every time the Rust code changes:

core-crypto/crypto-ffi$ cargo make wasm

Compile Typescript code into Javascript and integrate with the auto-generated wasm bindings:

core-crypto/crypto-ffi/bindings/js$ bun run build

Run tests:

core-crypto/crypto-ffi/bindings/js$ bun run test

Note that CI will fail if it doesn’t like your formatting. This can typically be automtically adjusted with

core-crypto/crypto-ffi/bindings/js$ bun eslint --max-warnings=0 --fix


There are benches implemented in crypto/benches for several operations on mls groups with varying sizes or proteus. Parameters like minimum or maximum group sizes and step sizes are defined in crypto/benches/utils/

§Executing Benches

To execute the benches, e.g. for creating commits, run

cargo bench --bench=commit -- --quick

where commit is the name of the bench specified in crypto/Cargo.toml, and the corresponding file in crypto/benches. In case you’re interested in higher accuracy, and willing to trade it for execution speed, omit the --quick flag. If you need reporting plots, remove the .without_plots() call in crypto/benches/utils/ The reports generated by criterion will be located in target/criterion.

§Git workflow

  • The main branch is used as the everyday development branch.
  • No merge commits. Always rebase on top of main.
  • Release branches are named release/<series>, e.g. release/1.x, release/2.x.
  • Release branches contain fixes relevant to their specific release series and are never merged to main.
  • Release branches always branch off their first major release tag. For example, the output of git merge-base main release/2.x must be a commit pointed to by tag v2.0.0.
  • Release branches are created lazily, that is, only when the first fix needs to be applied and released for a specific release series.
  • Use conventional commits – those are picked up by the changelog generator.
  • If there is a JIRA ticket related to the change, you should mention it in either the PR title or the commit(s), with the following format: [TICKET_ID].
  • Sign your commits and tags.
  • Remove branches from the remote once you don’t need them anymore.



The versioning scheme used is SemVer AKA Semantic Versioning.

§Making a new release

  1. Make a branch based on main to prepare for release (git checkout -b prepare-release/X.Y.Z)
  2. Run sh scripts/ X.Y.Z to update the versions of
    • all workspace member crates
    • package.json
    • crypto-ffi/bindings/ Make sure the result of the script run is correct.
  3. Generate the relevant changelog section:
    git cliff --bump --unreleased
    and add it to the top of Make sure the version number generated by git cliff matches the release version.
  4. If there are any release highlights, add them as the first subsection below release title:
    ## v1.0.2 - 2024-08-16
    ### Highlights
    - foo
    - bar
    - baz
  5. Make sure the changes look reasonable and complete; you can use the previous release as a reference
  6. Push your prepare-release/X.Y.Z branch and create a PR for it
  7. Get it reviewed, then merge it into main and remove the prepare-release/X.Y.Z branch from the remote
  8. Now, pull your local main: git checkout main && git pull
  9. Create the release tag: git tag -s vX.Y.Z
  10. Push the new tag: git push origin tag vX.Y.Z
  11. Create a new release on github, copying the relevant section from
  12. In, copy the commented-out table row from the bottom of the file to the appropriate place in the table, ordering by version number, descending. Search and replace the first 5 occurrences of x.x.x with X.Y.Z.
  13. Voilà!

§Publishing Android / JVM bindings

Publishing Android / JVM bindings happens automatically by a github workflow when a release tag is pushed.

If you would like to publish the bindings to a local maven cache, run:

cd crypto-ffi/bindings/android
./gradlew :jvm:publishToMavenLocal
./gradlew :android:publishToMavenLocal

§Publishing JS / WASM bindings

Publishing JS / WASM bindings happens automatically by a github workflow when a release tag is pushed.

If you would like to publish to @wireapp/core-crypto manually, log into NPM and just run bun publish.





  • Metadata describing the conditions of the build of this software.


  • Produce the error message from the innermost wrapped error.
  • Client callbacks to allow communication with the delivery service. There are two different endpoints, one for messages and one for commit bundles.
  • Like Into, but different, because we don’t actually want to implement Into for our subordinate error types.

Type Aliases§