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use crate::{
e2e_identity::{device_status::DeviceStatus, id::WireQualifiedClientId},
use std::str::FromStr;
use x509_cert::der::pem::LineEnding;
use super::{Error, Result};
/// Represents the identity claims identifying a client
/// Those claims are verifiable by any member in the group
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct WireIdentity {
/// Unique client identifier e.g. ``
pub client_id: String,
/// MLS thumbprint
pub thumbprint: String,
/// Status of the Credential at the moment T when this object is created
pub status: DeviceStatus,
/// Indicates whether the credential is Basic or X509
pub credential_type: MlsCredentialType,
/// In case 'credential_type' is [MlsCredentialType::X509] this is populated
pub x509_identity: Option<X509Identity>,
/// Represents the parts of [WireIdentity] that are specific to a X509 certificate (and not a Basic one).
/// We don't use an enum here since the sole purpose of this is to be exposed through the FFI (and
/// union types are impossible to carry over the FFI boundary)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct X509Identity {
/// user handle e.g. `john_wire`
pub handle: String,
/// Name as displayed in the messaging application e.g. `John Fitzgerald Kennedy`
pub display_name: String,
/// DNS domain for which this identity proof was generated e.g. ``
pub domain: String,
/// X509 certificate identifying this client in the MLS group ; PEM encoded
pub certificate: String,
/// X509 certificate serial number
pub serial_number: String,
/// X509 certificate not before as Unix timestamp
pub not_before: u64,
/// X509 certificate not after as Unix timestamp
pub not_after: u64,
impl<'a> TryFrom<(wire_e2e_identity::prelude::WireIdentity, &'a [u8])> for WireIdentity {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from((i, cert): (wire_e2e_identity::prelude::WireIdentity, &'a [u8])) -> Result<Self> {
use x509_cert::der::Decode as _;
let document = x509_cert::der::Document::from_der(cert)?;
let certificate = document.to_pem("CERTIFICATE", LineEnding::LF)?;
let client_id = WireQualifiedClientId::from_str(&i.client_id)?;
Ok(Self {
client_id: client_id.try_into()?,
status: i.status.into(),
thumbprint: i.thumbprint,
credential_type: MlsCredentialType::X509,
x509_identity: Some(X509Identity {
handle: i.handle.to_string(),
display_name: i.display_name,
domain: i.domain,
serial_number: i.serial_number,
not_before: i.not_before,
not_after: i.not_after,