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//! This deals with DS inconsistencies. When a Welcome message is received, the client might have
//! already deleted its associated KeyPackage (and encryption key).
//! Feel free to remove this when this is no longer a problem !!!
mod tests {
use openmls::prelude::KeyPackage;
use openmls_traits::OpenMlsCryptoProvider;
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
use super::super::error::Error;
use crate::test_utils::*;
pub async fn orphan_welcome_should_generate_external_commit(case: TestCase) {
run_test_with_client_ids(case.clone(), ["alice", "bob"], move |[alice_central, bob_central]| {
Box::pin(async move {
let id = conversation_id();
.new_conversation(&id, case.credential_type, case.cfg.clone())
let bob = bob_central.rand_key_package(&case).await;
let bob_kp_ref = KeyPackage::from(bob.clone())
// Alice invites Bob with a KeyPackage...
// ...Bob deletes locally (with the associated private key) before processing the Welcome
let welcome = alice_central.mls_transport.latest_welcome_message().await;
// in that case a dedicated error is thrown for clients to identify this case
// and rejoin with an external commit
let process_welcome = bob_central
.process_welcome_message(welcome.into(), case.custom_cfg())
assert!(matches!(process_welcome.unwrap_err(), Error::OrphanWelcome));