durable.rsuse crate::{compile_error, doc_attributes, items};
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
pub(crate) fn durable(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
const ASYNC_ERROR_MSG: &str = "Since a durable method requires persistence in the keystore, it has to be async";
let ast = match syn::parse2::<syn::ItemFn>(item.clone().into()) {
Ok(ast) => ast,
Err(e) => return compile_error(item, e),
if ast.sig.asyncness.is_none() {
return compile_error(item, syn::Error::new_spanned(ast, ASYNC_ERROR_MSG));
let doc_attributes = doc_attributes(&ast);
let (ret, name, inputs, body, attrs, vis) = items(&ast);
let func: proc_macro2::TokenStream = quote::quote! {
#vis async fn #name(#inputs) #ret {
let _result = #body;
#[cfg(test)] {