Package-level declarations
This use case is responsible for answering a call.
This class is responsible for updating conversation clients in a call Usually called when a member is removed from conversation
Given a call and raw call end reason create metadata containing all information regarding a call.
End call when conversation is deleted, user is not a member anymore or user is deleted.
This singleton allow us to queue event to show dialog informing user that call was ended because of verification degradation.
This use case is responsible for ending a call.
This use case is responsible for ending a call.
This use case will flip the camera to back facing
This use case will flip the camera to front facing
This class is responsible for providing the conversation type for a call.
Use case that is responsible for observing the incoming calls.
This use case is responsible for checking if there is a call running.
This use case checks whether the last call in a conversation is closed or not. fixme: rename to ObservesLastCallClosedUseCase
This use case is responsible for muting a call.
The useCase for observing when the ongoing call was ended because of degradation of conversation verification status (Proteus or MLS)
Returns Unit only when our conference calling setting changes from false to true, meaning our conference calling capability has been enabled. Internally we rely on getting event Event.FeatureConfig.ConferenceCallingUpdated. This can be used to inform user about the change, for example displaying a dialog about upgrading to enterprise edition.
The useCase for observing when the ongoing call was ended because of degradation of conversation verification status (Proteus or MLS)
This use case is responsible for observing the established calls.
Use case to observe the established call with sorted participants according to the CallingParticipantsOrder
Observe incoming in-call reactions
This use case is responsible for observing the ongoing calls.
Use case that is responsible for observing outgoing calls.
Use case to observe recently ended call metadata. This gives us all metadata assigned to a call. Used mainly for analytics.
This use case is responsible for observing the speaker state, returns true if the speaker is on, false otherwise.
This use case will reject a call for the given conversation.
This use case is responsible for requesting video streams for a call to avs.
Enable / disable preview video when running the calling test tool
Forward the calling participants' video state to the calling test tool
This use case is responsible for enabling the test preview.
This use case is responsible for setting the video preview on and off, in an ongoing call.
Attempts to start a call. Will wait for sync to finish or fail if it is pending, and return one Result.
This use case is responsible for setting the speaker state to off.
This use case is responsible for turning the loudspeaker on for a call.
This use case is responsible for un-mute a call.
This use case is responsible for updating conversation clients in a call Usually called when a member is removed from conversation