Package-level declarations


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data class ConversationAccessInfoDTO(val access: Set<ConversationAccessDTO>, val accessRole: Set<ConversationAccessRoleDTO> = ConversationAccessRoleDTO.DEFAULT_VALUE_WHEN_NULL)

Deprecation info: Since API v3 access_role_v2 is deprecated and will be replaced by access_role, but until all servers have been upgraded to have API v3 has its minimum supported version and all previously stored events have expired we need support both cases.

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Handwritten serializer of the ConversationAccessInfoDTO because we want to extend it with the JsonCorrectingSerializer, which is not possible using the plugin generated serializer.

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data class ConversationCodeInfo(val nonQualifiedId: String, val name: String?, val hasPassword: Boolean = false)
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data class ConversationMemberRoleDTO(val conversationRole: String)
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data class ConversationProtocolDTO(val protocol: ConvProtocol)
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data class ConversationReceiptModeDTO(val receiptMode: ReceiptMode)
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Transforms the conversation access info JSON by deleting the access_role field if it's a primitive value, because then it's a legacy field which interferes with the @JsonNames alternative name parsing.