
Struct CentralContext

pub struct CentralContext { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

This struct provides transactional support for Core Crypto.

This is struct provides mutable access to the internals of Core Crypto. Every operation that causes data to be persisted needs to be done through this struct. This struct will buffer all operations in memory and when CentralContext::finish is called, it will persist the data into the keystore.



impl CentralContext


pub async fn get_or_create_client_keypackages( &self, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, credential_type: MlsCredentialType, amount_requested: usize, ) -> Result<Vec<KeyPackage>, Error>

Returns amount_requested OpenMLS openmls::key_packages::KeyPackages. Will always return the requested amount as it will generate the necessary (lacking) amount on-the-fly

Note: Keypackage pruning is performed as a first step

  • amount_requested - number of KeyPackages to request and fill the KeyPackageBundle
§Return type

A vector of KeyPackageBundle


Errors can happen when accessing the KeyStore


pub async fn client_valid_key_packages_count( &self, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, credential_type: MlsCredentialType, ) -> Result<usize, Error>

Returns the count of valid, non-expired, unclaimed keypackages in store for the given MlsCiphersuite and MlsCredentialType


pub async fn delete_keypackages( &self, refs: &[KeyPackageRef], ) -> Result<(), Error>

Prunes local KeyPackages after making sure they also have been deleted on the backend side You should only use this after CentralContext::save_x509_credential


impl CentralContext


pub async fn set_raw_external_senders( &self, cfg: &mut MlsConversationConfiguration, external_senders: Vec<Vec<u8>>, ) -> Result<()>

Parses supplied key from Delivery Service in order to build back an [ExternalSender]


impl CentralContext


pub async fn decrypt_message( &self, id: &ConversationId, message: impl AsRef<[u8]>, ) -> Result<MlsConversationDecryptMessage>

Deserializes a TLS-serialized message, then deciphers it

  • conversation - the group/conversation id
  • message - the encrypted message as a byte array
§Return type

This method will return a tuple containing an optional message and an optional delay time for the callers to wait for committing. A message will be None in case the provided payload in case of a system message, such as Proposals and Commits. Otherwise it will return the message as a byte array. The delay will be Some when the message has a proposal


If the conversation can’t be found, an error will be returned. Other errors are originating from OpenMls and the KeyStore


impl CentralContext


pub async fn export_secret_key( &self, conversation_id: &ConversationId, key_length: usize, ) -> Result<Vec<u8>>


pub async fn get_client_ids( &self, conversation_id: &ConversationId, ) -> Result<Vec<ClientId>>


impl CentralContext


impl CentralContext

A MLS group is a distributed object scattered across many parties. We use a Delivery Service to orchestrate those parties. So when we create a commit, a mutable operation, it has to be validated by the Delivery Service. But it might occur that another group member did the exact same thing at the same time. So if we arrive second in this race, we must “rollback” the commit we created and accept (“merge”) the other one. A client would

  • Create a commit
  • Send the commit to the Delivery Service
  • When Delivery Service responds
    • 200 OK –> use [CentralContext::commit_accepted] to merge the commit
    • 409 CONFLICT –> do nothing. CentralContext::decrypt_message will restore the proposals not committed
    • 5xx –> retry

pub async fn clear_pending_proposal( &self, conversation_id: &ConversationId, proposal_ref: MlsProposalRef, ) -> Result<()>

Allows to remove a pending (uncommitted) proposal. Use this when backend rejects the proposal you just sent e.g. if permissions have changed meanwhile.

CAUTION: only use this when you had an explicit response from the Delivery Service e.g. 403 or 409. Do not use otherwise e.g. 5xx responses, timeout etc..

  • conversation_id - the group/conversation id
  • proposal_ref - unique proposal identifier which is present in crate::prelude::MlsProposalBundle and returned from all operation creating a proposal

When the conversation is not found or the proposal reference does not identify a proposal in the local pending proposal store


impl CentralContext


pub async fn process_raw_welcome_message( &self, welcome: Vec<u8>, custom_cfg: MlsCustomConfiguration, ) -> Result<WelcomeBundle>

Create a conversation from a TLS serialized MLS Welcome message. The MlsConversationConfiguration used in this function will be the default implementation.

  • welcome - a TLS serialized welcome message
  • configuration - configuration of the MLS conversation fetched from the Delivery Service
§Return type

This function will return the conversation/group id


see CentralContext::process_welcome_message


pub async fn process_welcome_message( &self, welcome: MlsMessageIn, custom_cfg: MlsCustomConfiguration, ) -> Result<WelcomeBundle>

Create a conversation from a received MLS Welcome message

  • welcome - a Welcome message received as a result of a commit adding new members to a group
  • configuration - configuration of the group/conversation
§Return type

This function will return the conversation/group id


Errors can be originating from the KeyStore of from OpenMls:


impl CentralContext


pub async fn wipe_conversation(&self, id: &ConversationId) -> Result<()>

Destroys a group locally


KeyStore errors, such as IO


impl CentralContext


pub async fn conversation_guard( &self, id: &ConversationId, ) -> Result<ConversationGuard>

Acquire a conversation guard.

This helper struct permits mutations on a conversation.


pub async fn mark_conversation_as_child_of( &self, child_id: &ConversationId, parent_id: &ConversationId, ) -> Result<()>

Mark a conversation as child of another one This will affect the behavior of callbacks in particular


impl CentralContext


pub async fn join_by_external_commit( &self, group_info: VerifiableGroupInfo, custom_cfg: MlsCustomConfiguration, credential_type: MlsCredentialType, ) -> Result<WelcomeBundle>

Issues an external commit and stores the group in a temporary table. This method is intended for example when a new client wants to join the user’s existing groups. On success this function will return the group id and a message to be fanned out to other clients.

If the Delivery Service accepts the external commit, you have to CentralContext::merge_pending_group_from_external_commit in order to get back a functional MLS group. On the opposite, if it rejects it, you can either retry by just calling again CentralContext::join_by_external_commit.

  • group_info - a GroupInfo wrapped in a MLS message. it can be obtained by deserializing a TLS serialized GroupInfo object
  • custom_cfg - configuration of the MLS conversation fetched from the Delivery Service
  • credential_type - kind of openmls::prelude::Credential to use for joining this group. If MlsCredentialType::Basic is chosen and no Credential has been created yet for it, a new one will be generated. When MlsCredentialType::X509 is chosen, it fails when no openmls::prelude::Credential has been created for the given Ciphersuite.
§Return type

It will return a tuple with the group/conversation id and the message containing the commit that was generated by this call


Errors resulting from OpenMls, the KeyStore calls and serialization


impl CentralContext


pub async fn new_external_add_proposal( &self, conversation_id: ConversationId, epoch: GroupEpoch, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, credential_type: MlsCredentialType, ) -> Result<MlsMessageOut>

Crafts a new external Add proposal. Enables a client outside a group to request addition to this group. For Wire only, the client must belong to an user already in the group

§Return type

Returns a message with the proposal to be add a new client


Errors resulting from the creation of the proposal within OpenMls. Fails when credential_type is MlsCredentialType::X509 and no Credential has been created for it beforehand with CentralContext::e2ei_mls_init_only or variants.


impl CentralContext


pub async fn new_add_proposal( &self, id: &ConversationId, key_package: KeyPackage, ) -> Result<MlsProposalBundle>

Creates a new Add proposal


pub async fn new_remove_proposal( &self, id: &ConversationId, client_id: ClientId, ) -> Result<MlsProposalBundle>

Creates a new Add proposal


pub async fn new_update_proposal( &self, id: &ConversationId, ) -> Result<MlsProposalBundle>

Creates a new Add proposal


impl CentralContext


pub async fn mls_init( &self, identifier: ClientIdentifier, ciphersuites: Vec<MlsCiphersuite>, nb_init_key_packages: Option<usize>, ) -> Result<()>

Initializes the MLS client if super::CoreCrypto has previously been initialized with CoreCrypto::deferred_init instead of CoreCrypto::new. This should stay as long as proteus is supported. Then it should be removed.


pub async fn mls_generate_keypairs( &self, ciphersuites: Vec<MlsCiphersuite>, ) -> Result<Vec<ClientId>>

Generates MLS KeyPairs/CredentialBundle with a temporary, random client ID. This method is designed to be used in conjunction with CentralContext::mls_init_with_client_id and represents the first step in this process.

This returns the TLS-serialized identity keys (i.e. the signature keypair’s public key)


pub async fn mls_init_with_client_id( &self, client_id: ClientId, tmp_client_ids: Vec<ClientId>, ciphersuites: Vec<MlsCiphersuite>, ) -> Result<()>

Updates the current temporary Client ID with the newly provided one. This is the second step in the externally-generated clients process

Important: This is designed to be called after CentralContext::mls_generate_keypairs


pub async fn client_public_key( &self, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, credential_type: MlsCredentialType, ) -> Result<Vec<u8>>


pub async fn client_id(&self) -> Result<ClientId>


pub async fn new_conversation( &self, id: &ConversationId, creator_credential_type: MlsCredentialType, config: MlsConversationConfiguration, ) -> Result<()>

Create a new empty conversation

  • id - identifier of the group/conversation (must be unique otherwise the existing group will be overridden)
  • creator_credential_type - kind of credential the creator wants to create the group with
  • config - configuration of the group/conversation

Errors can happen from the KeyStore or from OpenMls for ex if no openmls::key_packages::KeyPackage can be found in the KeyStore


pub async fn conversation_exists(&self, id: &ConversationId) -> Result<bool>

Checks if a given conversation id exists locally


pub async fn conversation_epoch(&self, id: &ConversationId) -> Result<u64>

Returns the epoch of a given conversation


If the conversation can’t be found


pub async fn conversation_ciphersuite( &self, id: &ConversationId, ) -> Result<MlsCiphersuite>

Returns the ciphersuite of a given conversation


If the conversation can’t be found


pub async fn random_bytes(&self, len: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Generates a random byte array of the specified size


impl CentralContext


pub async fn e2ei_conversation_state( &self, id: &ConversationId, ) -> Result<E2eiConversationState>

Indicates when to mark a conversation as not verified i.e. when not all its members have a X509 Credential generated by Wire’s end-to-end identity enrollment


pub async fn e2ei_verify_group_state( &self, group_info: VerifiableGroupInfo, ) -> Result<E2eiConversationState>


pub async fn get_credential_in_use( &self, group_info: VerifiableGroupInfo, credential_type: MlsCredentialType, ) -> Result<E2eiConversationState>


impl CentralContext


pub async fn e2ei_is_enabled( &self, signature_scheme: SignatureScheme, ) -> Result<bool>


impl CentralContext


pub async fn get_device_identities( &self, conversation_id: &ConversationId, client_ids: &[ClientId], ) -> Result<Vec<WireIdentity>>


pub async fn get_user_identities( &self, conversation_id: &ConversationId, user_ids: &[String], ) -> Result<HashMap<String, Vec<WireIdentity>>>


impl CentralContext


pub async fn e2ei_is_pki_env_setup(&self) -> Result<bool>

See MlsCentral::e2ei_is_pki_env_setup. Unlike MlsCentral::e2ei_is_pki_env_setup, this function returns a result.


pub async fn e2ei_dump_pki_env(&self) -> Result<Option<E2eiDumpedPkiEnv>>


pub async fn e2ei_register_acme_ca( &self, trust_anchor_pem: String, ) -> Result<()>

Registers a Root Trust Anchor CA for the use in E2EI processing.

Please note that without a Root Trust Anchor, all validations will fail; So this is the first step to perform after initializing your E2EI client

  • trust_anchor_pem - PEM certificate to anchor as a Trust Root

pub async fn e2ei_register_intermediate_ca_pem( &self, cert_pem: String, ) -> Result<NewCrlDistributionPoint>

Registers an Intermediate CA for the use in E2EI processing.

Please note that a Root Trust Anchor CA is needed to validate Intermediate CAs; You need to have a Root CA registered before calling this

  • cert_pem - PEM certificate to register as an Intermediate CA

pub async fn e2ei_register_crl( &self, crl_dp: String, crl_der: Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<CrlRegistration>

Registers a CRL for the use in E2EI processing.

Please note that a Root Trust Anchor CA is needed to validate CRLs; You need to have a Root CA registered before calling this

  • crl_dp - CRL Distribution Point; Basically the URL you fetched it from
  • crl_der - DER representation of the CRL

A CrlRegistration with the dirty state of the new CRL (see struct) and its expiration timestamp


impl CentralContext


pub async fn e2ei_new_activation_enrollment( &self, display_name: String, handle: String, team: Option<String>, expiry_sec: u32, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, ) -> Result<E2eiEnrollment>

Generates an E2EI enrollment instance for a “regular” client (with a Basic credential) willing to migrate to E2EI. As a consequence, this method does not support changing the ClientId which should remain the same as the Basic one. Once the enrollment is finished, use the instance in CentralContext::save_x509_credential to save the new credential.


pub async fn e2ei_new_rotate_enrollment( &self, display_name: Option<String>, handle: Option<String>, team: Option<String>, expiry_sec: u32, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, ) -> Result<E2eiEnrollment>

Generates an E2EI enrollment instance for a E2EI client (with a X509 certificate credential) having to change/rotate their credential, either because the former one is expired or it has been revoked. As a consequence, this method does not support changing neither ClientId which should remain the same as the previous one. It lets you change the DisplayName or the handle if you need to. Once the enrollment is finished, use the instance in CentralContext::save_x509_credential to do the rotation.


pub async fn save_x509_credential( &self, enrollment: &mut E2eiEnrollment, certificate_chain: String, ) -> Result<NewCrlDistributionPoint>

Saves a new X509 credential. Requires first having enrolled a new X509 certificate with either CentralContext::e2ei_new_activation_enrollment or CentralContext::e2ei_new_rotate_enrollment.

§Expected actions to perform after this function (in this order)
  1. Rotate credentials for each conversation in Self::e2ei_rotate
  2. Generate new key packages with Client::generate_new_keypackages
  3. Use these to replace the stale ones the in the backend
  4. Delete the stale ones locally using Self::delete_stale_key_packages
    • This is the last step because you might still need the old key packages to avoid an orphan welcome message

pub async fn delete_stale_key_packages( &self, cipher_suite: MlsCiphersuite, ) -> Result<()>

Deletes all key packages whose leaf node’s credential does not match the most recently saved x509 credential with the provided signature scheme.


pub async fn e2ei_rotate( &self, id: &ConversationId, cb: Option<&CredentialBundle>, ) -> Result<()>

Send a commit in a conversation for changing the credential. Requires first having enrolled a new X509 certificate with either CentralContext::e2ei_new_activation_enrollment or CentralContext::e2ei_new_rotate_enrollment and having saved it with Self::save_x509_credential.


impl CentralContext


pub async fn e2ei_enrollment_stash( &self, enrollment: E2eiEnrollment, ) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Allows persisting an active enrollment (for example while redirecting the user during OAuth) in order to resume it later with CentralContext::e2ei_enrollment_stash_pop

  • enrollment - the enrollment instance to persist

A handle for retrieving the enrollment later on


pub async fn e2ei_enrollment_stash_pop( &self, handle: Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<E2eiEnrollment>

Fetches the persisted enrollment and deletes it from the keystore


impl CentralContext


pub async fn e2ei_new_enrollment( &self, client_id: ClientId, display_name: String, handle: String, team: Option<String>, expiry_sec: u32, ciphersuite: MlsCiphersuite, ) -> Result<E2eiEnrollment>

Creates an enrollment instance with private key material you can use in order to fetch a new x509 certificate from the acme server.

  • client_id - client identifier e.g.
  • display_name - human readable name displayed in the application e.g. Smith, Alice M (QA)
  • handle - user handle e.g.
  • expiry_sec - generated x509 certificate expiry in seconds

pub async fn e2ei_mls_init_only( &self, enrollment: &mut E2eiEnrollment, certificate_chain: String, nb_init_key_packages: Option<usize>, ) -> Result<NewCrlDistributionPoint>

Parses the ACME server response from the endpoint fetching x509 certificates and uses it to initialize the MLS client with a certificate


impl CentralContext


pub async fn proteus_init(&self) -> Result<()>

Initializes the proteus client


pub async fn proteus_reload_sessions(&self) -> Result<()>

Reloads the sessions from the key store

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or it will do nothing


pub async fn proteus_session_from_prekey( &self, session_id: &str, prekey: &[u8], ) -> Result<Arc<RwLock<ProteusConversationSession>>>

Creates a proteus session from a prekey

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_session_from_message( &self, session_id: &str, envelope: &[u8], ) -> Result<(Arc<RwLock<ProteusConversationSession>>, Vec<u8>)>

Creates a proteus session from a Proteus message envelope

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_session_save(&self, session_id: &str) -> Result<()>

Saves a proteus session in the keystore

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_session_delete(&self, session_id: &str) -> Result<()>

Deletes a proteus session from the keystore

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_session( &self, session_id: &str, ) -> Result<Option<Arc<RwLock<ProteusConversationSession>>>>

Proteus session accessor

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_session_exists(&self, session_id: &str) -> Result<bool>

Proteus session exists

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_decrypt( &self, session_id: &str, ciphertext: &[u8], ) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Decrypts a proteus message envelope

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_encrypt( &self, session_id: &str, plaintext: &[u8], ) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Encrypts proteus message for a given session ID

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_encrypt_batched( &self, sessions: &[impl AsRef<str>], plaintext: &[u8], ) -> Result<HashMap<String, Vec<u8>>>

Encrypts a proteus message for several sessions ID. This is more efficient than other methods as the calls are batched. This also reduces the rountrips when crossing over the FFI

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_new_prekey(&self, prekey_id: u16) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Creates a new Proteus prekey and returns the CBOR-serialized version of the prekey bundle

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_new_prekey_auto(&self) -> Result<(u16, Vec<u8>)>

Creates a new Proteus prekey with an automatically incremented ID and returns the CBOR-serialized version of the prekey bundle

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_last_resort_prekey(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Returns the last resort prekey


pub fn proteus_last_resort_prekey_id() -> u16

Returns the proteus last resort prekey id (u16::MAX = 65535)


pub async fn proteus_fingerprint(&self) -> Result<String>

Returns the proteus identity’s public key fingerprint

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_fingerprint_local( &self, session_id: &str, ) -> Result<String>

Returns the proteus identity’s public key fingerprint

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_fingerprint_remote( &self, session_id: &str, ) -> Result<String>

Returns the proteus identity’s public key fingerprint

Warning: The Proteus client MUST be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init first or an error will be returned


pub async fn proteus_cryptobox_migrate(&self, path: &str) -> Result<()>

Migrates an existing Cryptobox data store (whether a folder or an IndexedDB database) located at path to the keystore.

The client can then be initialized with CentralContext::proteus_init


impl CentralContext


pub async fn mls_provider(&self) -> Result<MlsCryptoProvider>

Clones all references that the MlsCryptoProvider comprises.


pub async fn finish(&self) -> Result<()>

Commits the transaction, meaning it takes all the enqueued operations and persist them into the keystore. After that the internal state is switched to invalid, causing errors if something is called from this object.


pub async fn abort(&self) -> Result<()>

Aborts the transaction, meaning it discards all the enqueued operations. After that the internal state is switched to invalid, causing errors if something is called from this object.


pub async fn set_data(&self, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<()>

Set arbitrary data to be retrieved by CentralContext::get_data. This is meant to be used as a check point at the end of a transaction. The data should be limited to a reasonable size.


pub async fn get_data(&self) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>>

Get the data that has previously been set by CentralContext::set_data. This is meant to be used as a check point at the end of a transaction.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for CentralContext


fn clone(&self) -> CentralContext

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for CentralContext


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, UT> HandleAlloc<UT> for T
where T: Send + Sync,


fn new_handle(value: Arc<T>) -> Handle

Create a new handle for an Arc value Read more

unsafe fn clone_handle(handle: Handle) -> Handle

Clone a handle Read more

unsafe fn consume_handle(handle: Handle) -> Arc<T>

Consume a handle, getting back the initial Arc<> Read more

unsafe fn get_arc(handle: Handle) -> Arc<Self>

Get a clone of the Arc<> using a “borrowed” handle. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T