Entity able to serialize BackupData entities, like BackupMessage, BackupConversation, BackupUser into a cross-platform BackupData format.
Entity able to serialize BackupData entities, like BackupMessage, BackupConversation, BackupUser into a cross-platform BackupData format.
import com.wire.backup.dump.MPBackupExporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.BackupPeekResult
import com.wire.backup.ingest.MPBackupImporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.isCreatedBySameUser
import kotlinx.coroutines.await
import org.khronos.webgl.Uint8Array
fun main() {
val backupPassword = "Aqa123456!"
// Create a MPBackupExporter
val mpBackupExporter = MPBackupExporter(
selfUserId = getSelfUserId(),
// Each client (iOS, Web, Android) has their own logic for fetching stuff from database
// It's probably necessary to paginate the data from database, in case there are tens of thousands of messages, for example
getMessagesFromDatabase().forEach { message ->
getUsersFromDatabase().forEach { user ->
getConversationsFromDatabase().forEach { conversation ->
// When all data is exported, you can call finalize, getting the binary data of the file in a Promise
val fileData = mpBackupExporter.finalize(backupPassword).await() // Equivalent to await mpBackupExporter.finalize(...)
println("Backup created file. Raw binary data: $fileData")
Entity able to serialize BackupData entities, like BackupMessage, BackupConversation, BackupUser into a cross-platform BackupData format.
import com.wire.backup.dump.MPBackupExporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.BackupPeekResult
import com.wire.backup.ingest.MPBackupImporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.isCreatedBySameUser
fun main() {
val backupPassword = "Aqa123456!"
// Create a MPBackupExporter
val mpBackupExporter = MPBackupExporter(
selfUserId = getSelfUserId(),
workDirectory = "/path/to/working/directory/",
outputDirectory = "/path/to/output/directory/",
fileZipper = { entries ->
TODO("Zip all entries into a single zip file and return the path to this file")
// Each client (iOS, Web, Android) has their own logic for fetching stuff from database
// It's probably necessary to paginate the data from database, in case there are tens of thousands of messages, for example
getMessagesFromDatabase().forEach { message ->
getUsersFromDatabase().forEach { user ->
getConversationsFromDatabase().forEach { conversation ->
// When all data is exported, you can call finalize, saving the result into a file.
val pathToBackupFile = mpBackupExporter.finalize(backupPassword)
println("Backup created at $pathToBackupFile")
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constructor(selfUserId: BackupQualifiedId, workDirectory: String, outputDirectory: String, fileZipper: FileZipper)
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Link copied to clipboard
internal suspend fun finalize(password: String?, output: <Error class: unknown class>): ExportResult
internal suspend fun finalize(password: String?, output: <Error class: unknown class>): ExportResult
internal suspend fun finalize(password: String?, output: <Error class: unknown class>): ExportResult
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internal abstract fun zipEntries(data: List<BackupPage>): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
internal open override fun zipEntries(data: List<BackupPage>): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>
internal open override fun zipEntries(data: List<BackupPage>): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>>