Add a user/client to an existing MLS group
Clear a pending commit which has not yet been accepted by the distribution service
Clear pending external commits
Signal that last sent commit was accepted by the distribution service
Create a commit for any pending proposals
Query the current epoch of a conversation
Query if a conversation exists
Create a new MLS conversation
Decrypt an application message or a handshake message
Derive a secret key from the current MLS group state
Init MLSClient after enrollment
Enroll Wire E2EIdentity Client for E2EI when MLSClient already initialized
Enroll Wire E2EI Enrollment Client for renewing certificate
Generate new keypackages after E2EI certificate issued
Encrypt a message for distribution in a group
Generate a fresh set of key packages.
Get the default ciphersuite for the client. the Default ciphersuite is set when creating the mls client.
Get the identity of given clients in the given conversation
Get External Senders of an MLS conversation
The MLS Credentials based on the E2EI State
Public key of the client's identity.
Get the identity of given users in the given conversation
The E2EI State for the current MLS Client
Conversation E2EI Verification Status
Request to join an existing conversation by external commit
Request to join an existing conversation
Current members of the group.
Request to merge an existing conversation by external commit
Process an incoming welcome message
Remove a user/client from an existing MLS group
Update your keying material for an existing conversation you're a member of.
Number of valid key packages which haven't been consumed