
class ProteusClientProviderImpl(rootProteusPath: String, userId: <Error class: unknown class>, passphraseStorage: <Error class: unknown class>, kaliumConfigs: KaliumConfigs, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl, proteusMigrationRecoveryHandler: ProteusMigrationRecoveryHandler) : ProteusClientProvider


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constructor(rootProteusPath: String, userId: <Error class: unknown class>, passphraseStorage: <Error class: unknown class>, kaliumConfigs: KaliumConfigs, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl, proteusMigrationRecoveryHandler: ProteusMigrationRecoveryHandler)


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open suspend override fun clearLocalFiles()
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open suspend override fun getOrCreate(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns the ProteusClient or creates new one if doesn't exists.

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open suspend override fun getOrError(): Either<CoreFailure, <Error class: unknown class>>

Returns the ProteusClient, retrieves it from local files or returns a failure if local files doesn't exist.