abstract suspend fun claimKeyPackages(userIds: List<<Error class: unknown class>>, cipherSuite: <Error class: unknown class>): <Error class: unknown class><<Error class: unknown class>, KeyPackageClaimResult>
Claims the key packages for the specified user IDs.
Attempts to fetch key packages from self user will be skipped. Attempts to fetch only from self user will result in success even though no key packages were actually claimed.
An Either instance representing the result of the operation. If the operation is successful, it will be Either.Right with a KeyPackageClaimResult object containing the successfully fetched key packages and the user IDs without key packages available. If the operation fails, it will be Either.Left with a CoreFailure object indicating the reason for the failure. If no KeyPackages are available, CoreFailure.MissingKeyPackages will be the cause.
The list of user IDs for which to claim key packages.