data class RegisterClientParam(val password: String?, val capabilities: List<<Error class: unknown class>>?, val clientType: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, val model: String? = null, val preKeysToSend: Int = DEFAULT_PRE_KEYS_COUNT, val secondFactorVerificationCode: String? = null, val modelPostfix: String? = null)
The required data needed to register a client password capabilities :Hints provided by the client for the backend so it can behave in a backwards-compatible way. ex : legalHoldConsent preKeysToSend : the initial public keys to start a conversation with another client
See also
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constructor(password: String?, capabilities: List<<Error class: unknown class>>?, clientType: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, model: String? = null, preKeysToSend: Int = DEFAULT_PRE_KEYS_COUNT, secondFactorVerificationCode: String? = null, modelPostfix: String? = null)