
internal class OneOnOneMigratorImpl(getResolvedMLSOneOnOne: MLSOneOnOneConversationResolver, conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, messageRepository: MessageRepository, userRepository: UserRepository, systemMessageInserter: SystemMessageInserter) : OneOnOneMigrator


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constructor(getResolvedMLSOneOnOne: MLSOneOnOneConversationResolver, conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, messageRepository: MessageRepository, userRepository: UserRepository, systemMessageInserter: SystemMessageInserter)


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open suspend override fun migrateExistingProteus(user: <Error class: unknown class>): Either<CoreFailure, <Error class: unknown class>>

Migrates the user's one-on-one Proteus. Without creating a new one since MLS is the default, marking it as active.

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open suspend override fun migrateToMLS(user: <Error class: unknown class>): Either<CoreFailure, <Error class: unknown class>>

Perform migration of Proteus to MLS keeping history and marking the new conversation as active.

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open suspend override fun migrateToProteus(user: <Error class: unknown class>): Either<CoreFailure, <Error class: unknown class>>

Get one-on-one conversation with the user, if not found, create a new one (Proteus still default) and mark it as active.