Package-level declarations


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This use case will add a member(s) to a given conversation.

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internal class AddMemberToConversationUseCaseImpl(conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, userRepository: UserRepository, refreshUsersWithoutMetadata: RefreshUsersWithoutMetadataUseCase) : AddMemberToConversationUseCase
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This use case will add a service to a given conversation.

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class CheckConversationInviteCodeUseCase(conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>)

Checks if the conversation invite code is valid

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This use case will clear all messages from a conversation and notify other clients, using the self conversation.

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internal class ClearConversationContentUseCaseImpl(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, messageSender: MessageSender, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, currentClientIdProvider: CurrentClientIdProvider, selfConversationIdProvider: SelfConversationIdProvider) : ClearConversationContentUseCase
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Use case for clearing and drop orphaned typing indicators

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internal class ClearUsersTypingEventsUseCaseImpl(typingIndicatorIncomingRepository: TypingIndicatorIncomingRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl) : ClearUsersTypingEventsUseCase
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class ConversationScope(val conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, connectionRepository: ConnectionRepository, userRepository: UserRepository, conversationFolderRepository: ConversationFolderRepository, syncManager: SyncManager, mlsConversationRepository: MLSConversationRepository, currentClientIdProvider: CurrentClientIdProvider, messageSender: MessageSender, teamRepository: TeamRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, selfConversationIdProvider: SelfConversationIdProvider, persistMessage: PersistMessageUseCase, updateKeyingMaterialThresholdProvider: UpdateKeyingMaterialThresholdProvider, selfTeamIdProvider: SelfTeamIdProvider, sendConfirmation: SendConfirmationUseCase, renamedConversationHandler: RenamedConversationEventHandler, qualifiedIdMapper: QualifiedIdMapper, serverConfigRepository: ServerConfigRepository, userStorage: UserStorage, userPropertyRepository: UserPropertyRepository, deleteEphemeralMessageEndDate: DeleteEphemeralMessagesAfterEndDateUseCase, oneOnOneResolver: OneOnOneResolver, scope: <Error class: unknown class>, kaliumLogger: <Error class: unknown class>, refreshUsersWithoutMetadata: RefreshUsersWithoutMetadataUseCase, serverConfigLinks: ServerConfig.Links, val messageRepository: MessageRepository, val assetRepository: AssetRepository, val dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)
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internal interface ConversationsRecoveryManager
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internal class ConversationsRecoveryManagerImpl(incrementalSyncRepository: IncrementalSyncRepository, addSystemMessageToAllConversationsUseCase: AddSystemMessageToAllConversationsUseCase, slowSyncRepository: SlowSyncRepository, kaliumLogger: <Error class: unknown class>) : ConversationsRecoveryManager
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class CreateGroupConversationUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, syncManager: SyncManager, currentClientIdProvider: CurrentClientIdProvider, newGroupConversationSystemMessagesCreator: NewGroupConversationSystemMessagesCreator, refreshUsersWithoutMetadata: RefreshUsersWithoutMetadataUseCase)

Creates a group conversation. Will wait for sync to finish or fail if it is pending, and return one Result.

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Operation that fetches all known users which are not a part of a given conversation conversationId

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This use case that get Conversation.ProtocolInfo for a specific conversation.

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class GetConversationsUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository)

This use case will observe and return the conversation list for the current user. Prefer using ObserveConversationListDetailsUseCase instead, since is performance efficient, relying on sql views.

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UseCase for getting once the amount of unread events (all: messages, pings, missed calls, etc.) in a specific conversation.

internal class GetConversationUnreadEventsCountUseCaseImpl(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl) : GetConversationUnreadEventsCountUseCase
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class GetConversationUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository)

This use case will observe and return the conversation model for a specific conversation.

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class GetOneToOneConversationUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, dispatchers: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)

Operation that returns Conversation data for the one-to-one conversation with specific UserId.

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Operation that creates one-to-one Conversation with specific UserId (only if it is absent in local DB) and returns Conversation data.

class GetPaginatedFlowOfConversationDetailsWithEventsBySearchQueryUseCase(dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class>, conversationRepository: ConversationRepository)

This use case will observe and return a flow of paginated searched conversation details with last message and unread events counts.

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Operation that indicates if we have one-o-one Conversation with specific UserId.

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class JoinConversationViaCodeUseCase(conversionsGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>)

Use case for joining a conversation via a code invite code. the param can be obtained from the deep link

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internal class LeaveConversationUseCaseImpl(conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>) : LeaveConversationUseCase
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class MembersToMentionUseCase(observeConversationMembers: ObserveConversationMembersUseCase, userRepository: UserRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)

This usecase returns a list of members to mention for a given conversation based on a search done with searchQuery The result should ordered respecting this order of priorities:

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internal class MLSConversationsRecoveryManagerImpl(featureSupport: FeatureSupport, incrementalSyncRepository: IncrementalSyncRepository, clientRepository: ClientRepository, recoverMLSConversationsUseCase: RecoverMLSConversationsUseCase, slowSyncRepository: SlowSyncRepository, kaliumLogger: <Error class: unknown class>) : MLSConversationsRecoveryManager
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Used by the UI to notify Kalium that a conversation is open. It's useful so Kalium can lazily perform update operations and make sure that the conversation is up-to-date when the user opens it.

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internal class NotifyConversationIsOpenUseCaseImpl(oneOnOneResolver: OneOnOneResolver, conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, deleteEphemeralMessageEndDate: DeleteEphemeralMessagesAfterEndDateUseCase, kaliumLogger: <Error class: unknown class>) : NotifyConversationIsOpenUseCase

UseCase for observing the count of archived conversations that have unread events (e.g., messages, pings, missed calls). The result is presented as a continuous flow, updating whenever the count changes.

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class ObserveConversationDetailsUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)

This use case will observe and return the conversation details for a specific conversation.

class ObserveConversationInteractionAvailabilityUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, userRepository: UserRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, selfClientIdProvider: CurrentClientIdProvider, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)

Use case that check if self user is able to interact in conversation.

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This use case will observe and return the list of conversation details for the current user.

This use case will observe and return the list of conversation details for the current user.

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This use case will observe and return the list of members of a given conversation.

UseCase for observing if User was notified about conversation being subject of legal hold

UseCase for observing if User was notified about verification degrading of conversation

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internal class ObserveIsSelfUserMemberUseCaseImpl(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>) : ObserveIsSelfUserMemberUseCase
internal class ObserveOtherUserSecurityClassificationLabelUseCaseImpl(userConfigRepository: UserConfigRepository, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, dispatchers: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl) : ObserveOtherUserSecurityClassificationLabelUseCase
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This use case will observe and return the list of users objects, contacts and connections. Using a list of user ids to obverse.

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Use case for observing current users typing in a given conversation. This will get their info details from the local database.

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internal class ObserveUsersTypingUseCaseImpl(typingIndicatorIncomingRepository: TypingIndicatorIncomingRepository, userRepository: UserRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl) : ObserveUsersTypingUseCase
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Persists a list of conversations migrated from old clients Use carefully since normal conversations should come from the backend sync process

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internal class PersistMigratedConversationUseCaseImpl(selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, migrationDAO: <Error class: unknown class>, conversationMapper: ConversationMapper = MapperProvider.conversationMapper(selfUserId)) : PersistMigratedConversationUseCase
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Iterate over all MLS Established conversations after 404 sync error and check for out of sync epochs, if out of sync then it tries to re-join.

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internal class RecoverMLSConversationsUseCaseImpl(featureSupport: FeatureSupport, clientRepository: ClientRepository, conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, mlsConversationRepository: MLSConversationRepository, joinExistingMLSConversationUseCase: JoinExistingMLSConversationUseCase) : RecoverMLSConversationsUseCase

Refresh conversations without metadata, only if necessary.

internal class RefreshConversationsWithoutMetadataUseCaseImpl(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, dispatchers: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl) : RefreshConversationsWithoutMetadataUseCase
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Renames a conversation by its ID.

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internal class RenameConversationUseCaseImpl(val conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, val persistMessage: PersistMessageUseCase, renamedConversationEventHandler: RenamedConversationEventHandler, val selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, eventMapper: EventMapper = MapperProvider.eventMapper(selfUserId)) : RenameConversationUseCase
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sealed class RenamingResult
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sealed class Result
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UseCase for sending a typing event to a specific ConversationId

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internal class SendTypingEventUseCaseImpl(typingIndicatorRepository: TypingIndicatorOutgoingRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl) : SendTypingEventUseCase

UseCase for setting legal_hold_change_notified flag to true, it means that User was notified about the recent change in legal hold status.

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UseCase for setting DegradedConversationNotified flag to true, means user was notified about verification changes and no need to do it again.

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class SyncConversationCodeUseCase(conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, serverConfigLinks: ServerConfig.Links)

Use case to sync the conversation code. This use case is used to update the conversation code in the database.

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internal interface SyncConversationsUseCase
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internal class SyncConversationsUseCaseImpl(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, systemMessageInserter: SystemMessageInserter) : SyncConversationsUseCase

This use case will sync against the backend the conversations of the current user.

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internal class TypingIndicatorSyncManager(typingIndicatorIncomingRepository: <Error class: unknown class><TypingIndicatorIncomingRepository>, observeSyncStateUseCase: ObserveSyncStateUseCase, kaliumLogger: <Error class: unknown class>)
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class UpdateConversationAccessRoleUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, conversationGroupRepository: ConversationGroupRepository, syncManager: SyncManager)

This use case will update the access and access role configuration of a conversation. So we can operate and allow or not operation based on these roles:

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class UpdateConversationReadDateUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, messageSender: MessageSender, currentClientIdProvider: CurrentClientIdProvider, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, selfConversationIdProvider: SelfConversationIdProvider, sendConfirmation: SendConfirmationUseCase, workQueue: ConversationWorkQueue, logger: <Error class: unknown class> = kaliumLogger)

This use case will update last read date for a conversation. After that, will sync against other user's registered clients, using the self conversation.

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Internal UseCase that updates Group Conversation Receipt Mode value Possible values: Conversation.ReceiptMode.ENABLED and Conversation.ReceiptMode.DISABLED Returns: ConversationUpdateReceiptModeResult

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internal class UpdateConversationReceiptModeUseCaseImpl(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, persistMessage: PersistMessageUseCase, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>) : UpdateConversationReceiptModeUseCase


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val nameTokens: (String) -> List<String>

Split the name in tokens. Any character that is not a alphanumeric character is a separator (e.g. (space), -, !, 🤣 and so on)

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val NON_ALPHANUMERIC_REGEX: <Error class: unknown class>


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internal fun GetConversationProtocolInfoUseCase(conversationRepository: ConversationRepository, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl): GetConversationProtocolInfoUseCase