class MembersToMentionUseCase(observeConversationMembers: ObserveConversationMembersUseCase, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)
This usecase returns a list of members to mention for a given conversation based on a search done with searchQuery The result should ordered respecting this order of priorities:
Full name starts with the query
Any of the tokens in the name starts with the query
The handle starts with the query
The full name contains the query
The handle contains the query
Returns members of a given conversation.
Retrieves the self user
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internal constructor(observeConversationMembers: ObserveConversationMembersUseCase, selfUserId: <Error class: unknown class>, dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class> = KaliumDispatcherImpl)
Creates an instance of the usecase