
data class ConversationResponseV3(val creator: String, val members: ConversationMembersResponse, val name: String?, val id: ConversationId, val groupId: String?, val epoch: <Error class: unknown class>?, val type: ConversationResponse.Type, val messageTimer: Long?, val teamId: TeamId?, val protocol: ConvProtocol, val lastEventTime: String, val mlsCipherSuiteTag: Int?, val access: Set<ConversationAccessDTO>, val accessRole: Set<ConversationAccessRoleDTO> = ConversationAccessRoleDTO.DEFAULT_VALUE_WHEN_NULL, val receiptMode: ReceiptMode)


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constructor(creator: String, members: ConversationMembersResponse, name: String?, id: ConversationId, groupId: String?, epoch: <Error class: unknown class>?, type: ConversationResponse.Type, messageTimer: Long?, teamId: TeamId?, protocol: ConvProtocol, lastEventTime: String, mlsCipherSuiteTag: Int?, access: Set<ConversationAccessDTO>, accessRole: Set<ConversationAccessRoleDTO> = ConversationAccessRoleDTO.DEFAULT_VALUE_WHEN_NULL, receiptMode: ReceiptMode)


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val creator: String
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val epoch: <Error class: unknown class>?
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val groupId: String?
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val lastEventTime: String
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val messageTimer: Long?
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val name: String?
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