
internal open class NotificationApiV0(authenticatedNetworkClient: AuthenticatedNetworkClient, authenticatedWebSocketClient: AuthenticatedWebSocketClient, serverLinks: <Error class: unknown class>) : NotificationApi



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internal constructor(authenticatedNetworkClient: AuthenticatedNetworkClient, authenticatedWebSocketClient: AuthenticatedWebSocketClient, serverLinks: <Error class: unknown class>)


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internal object Hardcoded


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open suspend override fun getAllNotifications(querySize: Int, queryClient: String): NetworkResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>

request Notifications from the beginning of time

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open suspend override fun listenToLiveEvents(clientId: String): NetworkResponse<<Error class: unknown class><WebSocketEvent<<Error class: unknown class>>>>
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open suspend override fun mostRecentNotification(queryClient: String): NetworkResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>
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open suspend override fun notificationsByBatch(querySize: Int, queryClient: String, querySince: String): NetworkResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>
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open suspend override fun oldestNotification(queryClient: String): NetworkResponse<<Error class: unknown class>>