
interface MessageDAO



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abstract suspend fun deleteAllMessages()
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abstract suspend fun deleteMessage(id: String, conversationsId: QualifiedIDEntity)
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abstract suspend fun getAllMessageAssetIdsForConversationId(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): List<String>
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abstract suspend fun getAllPendingEphemeralMessages(): List<MessageEntity>
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abstract suspend fun getAllPendingMessagesFromUser(userId: UserIDEntity): List<MessageEntity>
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abstract suspend fun getConversationUnreadEventsCount(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): Long
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abstract suspend fun getImageMessageAssets(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, mimeTypes: Set<String>, limit: Int, offset: Int): List<AssetMessageEntity>
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abstract suspend fun getLastMessagesByConversations(conversationIds: List<QualifiedIDEntity>): Map<QualifiedIDEntity, MessageEntity>
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abstract suspend fun getMessageAssetTransferStatus(messageId: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): AssetTransferStatusEntity
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abstract suspend fun getMessageById(id: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): MessageEntity?
abstract suspend fun getMessageIdsThatExpectReadConfirmationWithinDates(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, afterDate: <Error class: unknown class>, untilDate: <Error class: unknown class>, visibility: List<MessageEntity.Visibility> = MessageEntity.Visibility.entries): List<String>
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abstract suspend fun getMessagesByConversationAndVisibility(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, limit: Int, offset: Int, visibility: List<MessageEntity.Visibility> = MessageEntity.Visibility.entries): <Error class: unknown class><List<MessageEntity>>
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abstract suspend fun getNextAudioMessageInConversation(prevMessageId: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): String?
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abstract suspend fun getNotificationMessage(maxNumberOfMessagesPerConversation: Int = 10): List<NotificationMessageEntity>
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abstract suspend fun getSearchedConversationMessagePosition(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, messageId: String): Int
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abstract suspend fun getSenderNameById(id: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): String?
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abstract suspend fun insertFailedRecipientDelivery(id: String, conversationsId: QualifiedIDEntity, recipientsFailed: List<QualifiedIDEntity>, recipientFailureTypeEntity: RecipientFailureTypeEntity)
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abstract suspend fun insertOrIgnoreMessage(message: MessageEntity, updateConversationModifiedDate: Boolean = false): InsertMessageResult

Inserts the message, or ignores if there's already a message with the same and MessageEntity.conversationId. There is only one exception where a second message with the same id will not be ignored, and it is when the first message is an asset preview message. In this case, the second message containing the valid encryption keys will be updating and completing the encryption keys and the visibility of the first one.

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abstract suspend fun insertOrIgnoreMessages(messages: List<MessageEntity>)

Inserts the messages, or ignores messages if there already exists a message with the same and MessageEntity.conversationId. There is only one exception where a second message with the same id will not be ignored, and it is when the first message is an asset preview message. In this case, the second message containing the valid encryption keys will be updating and completing the encryption keys and the visibility of the first one.

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abstract suspend fun markMessageAsDeleted(id: String, conversationsId: QualifiedIDEntity)
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abstract suspend fun markMessagesAsDecryptionResolved(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, userId: QualifiedIDEntity, clientId: String)
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abstract suspend fun moveMessages(from: ConversationIDEntity, to: ConversationIDEntity)
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abstract suspend fun needsToBeNotified(id: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): Boolean
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abstract suspend fun observeAssetStatuses(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): <Error class: unknown class><List<MessageAssetStatusEntity>>
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abstract suspend fun observeConversationsUnreadEvents(): <Error class: unknown class><List<ConversationUnreadEventEntity>>
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abstract suspend fun observeLastMessages(): <Error class: unknown class><List<MessagePreviewEntity>>
abstract suspend fun observeMessagesByConversationAndVisibilityAfterDate(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, date: String, visibility: List<MessageEntity.Visibility> = MessageEntity.Visibility.entries): <Error class: unknown class><List<MessageEntity>>
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abstract suspend fun observeMessageVisibility(messageUuid: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity): <Error class: unknown class><MessageEntity.Visibility?>
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abstract suspend fun observeUnreadEvents(): <Error class: unknown class><Map<ConversationIDEntity, List<UnreadEventEntity>>>
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abstract suspend fun observeUnreadMessageCounter(): <Error class: unknown class><Map<ConversationIDEntity, Int>>
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abstract suspend fun promoteMessageToSentUpdatingServerTime(conversationId: ConversationIDEntity, messageUuid: String, serverDate: <Error class: unknown class>?, millis: Long)
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abstract suspend fun resetAssetTransferStatus()
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abstract suspend fun updateAssetTransferStatus(transferStatus: AssetTransferStatusEntity, id: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity)
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abstract suspend fun updateLegalHoldMessageMembers(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, messageId: String, newMembers: List<QualifiedIDEntity>)
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abstract suspend fun updateMessagesStatus(status: MessageEntity.Status, id: List<String>, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity)
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abstract suspend fun updateMessageStatus(status: MessageEntity.Status, id: String, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity)
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abstract suspend fun updateSelfDeletionEndDate(conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, messageId: String, selfDeletionEndDate: <Error class: unknown class>)
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abstract suspend fun updateTextMessageContent(editInstant: <Error class: unknown class>, conversationId: QualifiedIDEntity, currentMessageId: String, newTextContent: MessageEntityContent.Text, newMessageId: String)