
abstract class CommonMPBackupImporter(encryptedStream: EncryptedStream<XChaChaPoly1305AuthenticationData> = EncryptedStream.XChaCha20Poly1305, headerSerializer: BackupHeaderSerializer = BackupHeaderSerializer.Default)

Entity able to parse backed-up data and returns digestible data in BackupData format.



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internal constructor(encryptedStream: EncryptedStream<XChaChaPoly1305AuthenticationData> = EncryptedStream.XChaCha20Poly1305, headerSerializer: BackupHeaderSerializer = BackupHeaderSerializer.Default)


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internal abstract fun getUnencryptedArchiveSink(): <Error class: unknown class>

Provides a sink to store the unencrypted data. Be the archive encrypted or not, the data will be moved to this sink until unzipAllEntries is used.

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internal suspend fun importBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>, passphrase: String?): BackupImportResult

Decrypt (if needed) and unzip the backup artifact. The resulting BackupImportResult.Success contains a BackupImportPager, that can be used to consume pages of backed up application data, like messages, users and conversations.

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internal fun peekBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>): BackupPeekResult

Peeks into a backup artifact, returning information about it.

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internal abstract suspend fun unzipAllEntries(): BackupPageStorage

Unzips all entries in the zip archive stored in the sink returned by getUnencryptedArchiveSink.