
Entity able to parse backed-up data and returns digestible data in BackupData format.



Entity able to parse backed-up data and returns digestible data in BackupData format.


import com.wire.backup.dump.MPBackupExporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.BackupPeekResult
import com.wire.backup.ingest.MPBackupImporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.isCreatedBySameUser
import kotlinx.coroutines.await
import org.khronos.webgl.Uint8Array
fun main() { 
   // Peek into backup file
val importer = MPBackupImporter()

// data is an uint8 array
val peekResult = importer.peekFileData(data).await() // await promise
when (peekResult) {
    BackupPeekResult.Failure.UnknownFormat -> TODO("This is not a valid backup file")
    is BackupPeekResult.Failure.UnsupportedVersion -> TODO("Unsupported version, too old or too new")
    is BackupPeekResult.Success -> {
        // You can check if the backup was created by a specific user ID:
        val isCreatedBySameUser = peekResult.isCreatedBySameUser(getSelfUserId())
        println("Backup info: isEncrypted=${peekResult.isEncrypted}, version=${peekResult.version}")
import com.wire.backup.ingest.BackupImportResult
fun main() { 
   // Handling import result
when (importResult) {
    BackupImportResult.Failure.MissingOrWrongPassphrase -> TODO("User has provided a wrong password")
    BackupImportResult.Failure.ParsingFailure -> TODO("This file is not a valid backup file, or its an unsupported version")
    is BackupImportResult.Failure.UnknownError -> TODO("Exception. You can get more info by doing ${importResult.message}")
    is BackupImportResult.Failure.UnzippingError -> TODO("Client implementation of Unzipper has thrown an exception")

    is BackupImportResult.Success -> {
        val importPager = importResult.pager
        // You can calculate progress based on total page count:
        val totalPages = importPager.totalPagesCount
        var processedPages = 0

        while (importPager.conversationsPager.hasMorePages()) {
            updateProgress(totalPages, ++processedPages)
            val conversations = importPager.conversationsPager.nextPage()
            conversations.forEach { conversation ->
                TODO("Map each conversation and insert into local Database")

        while (importPager.usersPager.hasMorePages()) {
            updateProgress(totalPages, ++processedPages)
            val users = importPager.usersPager.nextPage()
            users.forEach { user ->
                TODO("Map each user and insert into local Database")

        while (importPager.messagesPager.hasMorePages()) {
            updateProgress(totalPages, ++processedPages)
            val messages = importPager.messagesPager.nextPage()
            messages.forEach { message ->
                TODO("Map each message and insert into local Database")

        println("Import finished successfully!")

Entity able to parse backed-up data and returns digestible data in BackupData format.


import com.wire.backup.ingest.BackupImportResult
fun main() { 
   // Handling import result
when (importResult) {
    BackupImportResult.Failure.MissingOrWrongPassphrase -> TODO("User has provided a wrong password")
    BackupImportResult.Failure.ParsingFailure -> TODO("This file is not a valid backup file, or its an unsupported version")
    is BackupImportResult.Failure.UnknownError -> TODO("Exception. You can get more info by doing ${importResult.message}")
    is BackupImportResult.Failure.UnzippingError -> TODO("Client implementation of Unzipper has thrown an exception")

    is BackupImportResult.Success -> {
        val importPager = importResult.pager
        // You can calculate progress based on total page count:
        val totalPages = importPager.totalPagesCount
        var processedPages = 0

        while (importPager.conversationsPager.hasMorePages()) {
            updateProgress(totalPages, ++processedPages)
            val conversations = importPager.conversationsPager.nextPage()
            conversations.forEach { conversation ->
                TODO("Map each conversation and insert into local Database")

        while (importPager.usersPager.hasMorePages()) {
            updateProgress(totalPages, ++processedPages)
            val users = importPager.usersPager.nextPage()
            users.forEach { user ->
                TODO("Map each user and insert into local Database")

        while (importPager.messagesPager.hasMorePages()) {
            updateProgress(totalPages, ++processedPages)
            val messages = importPager.messagesPager.nextPage()
            messages.forEach { message ->
                TODO("Map each message and insert into local Database")

        println("Import finished successfully!")
import com.wire.backup.dump.MPBackupExporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.BackupPeekResult
import com.wire.backup.ingest.MPBackupImporter
import com.wire.backup.ingest.isCreatedBySameUser
fun main() { 
   // Peek into backup file

val importer = MPBackupImporter(
    pathToWorkDirectory = "/path/to/working/directory",
    backupFileUnzipper = { zippedFile ->
        TODO("Unzip all content into a directory, and return the path to the unzipped content")

// Check if the backup is encrypted or not
val peekResult = importer.peekBackupFile("path/to/backupFile.wbu")
when (peekResult) {
    BackupPeekResult.Failure.UnknownFormat -> TODO("This is not a valid backup file")
    is BackupPeekResult.Failure.UnsupportedVersion -> TODO("Unsupported version, too old or too new")
    is BackupPeekResult.Success -> {
        // You can check if the backup was created by a specific user ID:
        val isCreatedBySameUser = peekResult.isCreatedBySameUser(getSelfUserId())
        println("Backup info: isEncrypted=${peekResult.isEncrypted}, version=${peekResult.version}")


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constructor(pathToWorkDirectory: String, backupFileUnzipper: BackupFileUnzipper)


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internal abstract fun getUnencryptedArchiveSink(): <Error class: unknown class>

Provides a sink to store the unencrypted data. Be the archive encrypted or not, the data will be moved to this sink until unzipAllEntries is used.

internal open override fun getUnencryptedArchiveSink(): <Error class: unknown class>

Provides a sink to store the unencrypted data. Be the archive encrypted or not, the data will be moved to this sink until unzipAllEntries is used.

internal open override fun getUnencryptedArchiveSink(): <Error class: unknown class>

Provides a sink to store the unencrypted data. Be the archive encrypted or not, the data will be moved to this sink until unzipAllEntries is used.

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internal suspend fun importBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>, passphrase: String?): BackupImportResult

Decrypt (if needed) and unzip the backup artifact. The resulting BackupImportResult.Success contains a BackupImportPager, that can be used to consume pages of backed up application data, like messages, users and conversations.

internal suspend fun importBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>, passphrase: String?): BackupImportResult

Decrypt (if needed) and unzip the backup artifact. The resulting BackupImportResult.Success contains a BackupImportPager, that can be used to consume pages of backed up application data, like messages, users and conversations.

internal suspend fun importBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>, passphrase: String?): BackupImportResult

Decrypt (if needed) and unzip the backup artifact. The resulting BackupImportResult.Success contains a BackupImportPager, that can be used to consume pages of backed up application data, like messages, users and conversations.

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suspend fun importFromFile(multiplatformBackupFilePath: String, passphrase: String?): BackupImportResult

Imports a backup from the specified root path.

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fun importFromFileData(data: <Error class: unknown class>, passphrase: String?): <Error class: unknown class><BackupImportResult>
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internal fun peekBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>): BackupPeekResult

Peeks into a backup artifact, returning information about it.

internal fun peekBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>): BackupPeekResult

Peeks into a backup artifact, returning information about it.

internal fun peekBackup(source: <Error class: unknown class>): BackupPeekResult

Peeks into a backup artifact, returning information about it.

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suspend fun peekBackupFile(pathToBackupFile: String): BackupPeekResult

Peeks into the specified backup file and retrieves metadata about it.

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fun peekFileData(data: <Error class: unknown class>): <Error class: unknown class><BackupPeekResult>
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internal abstract suspend fun unzipAllEntries(): BackupPageStorage

Unzips all entries in the zip archive stored in the sink returned by getUnencryptedArchiveSink.

internal open suspend override fun unzipAllEntries(): BackupPageStorage

Unzips all entries in the zip archive stored in the sink returned by getUnencryptedArchiveSink.

internal open suspend override fun unzipAllEntries(): BackupPageStorage

Unzips all entries in the zip archive stored in the sink returned by getUnencryptedArchiveSink.